Since starting They're Playing Our Song DJ all those years ago in the quest to  play more special and more meaningful song requests than anyone else on the planet, and in speaking with thousands of recently engaged couples, one of the questions I have always asked is "How did you both meet?"  Previous to the last 10 years or so, practically no couples told me they had met online.    But over the last decade, I definitely noticed a large jump year by year jump in the number of couples telling me they had met or were matched up online.  I openly wondered what the percentage was of couples that met their spouse or long-term partner through a dating site or app.  Now, thanks to our friends at the Pew Research Institute and their Pew Internet & American Life Project, we have an answer.   Here are the three key findings:

  • 1 in 10 Americans have used an online dating site or mobile dating app
  • 66% of these online daters have progressed to the next step of having a date with someone they met through a dating site or mobile app
  • 23% have met a spouse or long-term partner through a dating site or app

So there it is.....maybe!    You can take the above two ways.  Is it 1 in 4 weddings I DJ for result with the help of Cupid.....and  an internet site.    Or using, the above statistics together, and based on every 100 couples, is it about 2 in 100 couples met online? (10 of 100 couples used a dating site, about 7 of those 10 couples progressed to a date, and 2 couples met their spouse/long-term partner through a site/app).  Let me know your thoughts.         

But no matter how couples met, it is always a joy and honor for They're Playing Our Song DJ and I to provide the "got-to-have music and favorite artists you want on your special day. Call me today to find out why.  And I'd love to hear how you met your special someone - so let me know that also!